afro culture kids camp
Session 1: Dec 18 - 22 2023 (Virtual)
Session 2: Jan 1 - 5 2024 (In-Person)
Fruitvale District, Oakland, California
Afro Culture Kids Camp is a community-based outdoor Pan-African arts & culture camp for kids ages 5-16 of African descent.
Oakland, California
Ndeewo unu! Hevoyi Vabereki! Sannu ku!
Anyị wu Afro Culture Kids Camp (ACK)!, a community-based outdoor Pan-African arts & culture camp catered to kids ages 5-16 of African descent. Our camp is full of music, dance, art & crafts, healthy cooking, games, storytelling, languages, outdoor play, and nature/garden exploration. Kids enrolled in this camp are excited about learning new skills, being creative, making and keeping friends, and having lots of fun.
We keep camp small so that our offerings can reach deep! We offer a community-mutual aid sliding scale fee structure, so that in the spirit of our African cultures, all our children can receive the gift of our offering. Kids in our camp relatively independent and are comfortable in facilitated/focused creative/artistic spaces, and have at least one Black/African descent parent/caregiver present in their family.
Through our community our children get exposure and practice in Pan African cultures including Shona, Igbo, Zulu, Kinyarwanda, Hausa, African-American, Yoruba, Afro-Peruvian, and Congolese to name a few.
cost & location of camp
Camp Drop-Off & Pick Up is at a community space in Fruitvale, Oakland, California. Campers also travel to the parks, playground, and other local venues for daily field trips and activities.
We operate on a community mutual financial pooling system aka sliding scale. We have spots in different payment tiers, and we hope that with the support of those who have, we can make it possible to cover our costs of operations, and have a dynamic camp experience for all involved. During registration you select the rate that you’re able to pay. Camp fees cover the cost of attending camp/camp activities, camp t-shirt, and field trips.
$0- $2000/ Session
HOW TO RegistEr
In order to maintain a balance of camper dynamics and know how to best serve our campers our registration happens in two parts:
Registration Completion
If you are interested in enrolling a child/children in camp, please first complete the Camper interest form, and give us a bit of info. If we have a spot for your child/children, you will receive a link to complete your registration.
How does camp work?
We follow a focused and structured arts and cultural programing, and a daily schedule and flow that is instruction and participation-based. Kids participate in different activities throughout the day, bring their own nutritious lunch and snacks and reusable bottles for water, and have time to play and rest. At the end of each camp week, we have a kid facilitated barter market, and performance showcase and community potluck. Kids dress in clothes and bring food/snacks representing their own unique African heritages.
Camp Daily Flow & Expectations
Camp Runs from Monday to Friday 9AM-5PM during weeks that it runs.
Fridays from 4-5pm is Community Day (Camper families are invited to participate in a celebration and gathering)
Covid Protocols: Camp is outside, and campers and facilitators are to keep face coverings/ masks on at all times, except during meal times when kids not from the same household are kept with distance between. Hand washing is set up routinely, as well as encouraged regularly throughout the day. Surfaces and equipment cleaned regularly.
Sample Camp Schedule
9:00 AM Kids Arrive + Individual Stations (Crafts, Puzzles, Reading, Games)
9:30 AM Circle, Move, Check-In
9:45 AM Zimbabwean or Igbo Cultural Dance
10:30 AM Afro-Peruvian Drumming
11:00 AM Snack & Water Break
11:15 AM Cooking
12:30 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Park & Playground Games
3:00 PM Snack & Storytime
3:30 PM Quiet & Rest time
4:00 PM Language Conversation Practice
4:10 PM Closing Circle
4:20 PM Natures & Gardening
4:50 PM Clean Up
5:00 PM Pick Up